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105-year-old great-grandma sets world record for quickest 100-meter run at us senior games


At 107 years old, Julia Hawkins, fondly nicknamed “the Hurricane”, is living proof that age is just a number. This remarkable woman, a retired teacher, has been turning heads with her astonishing feats on the track field, showing us all that it’s never too late to chase after new dreams.

Back when Julia was 105, she did something extraordinary at the Louisiana Senior Games, a sports event for those over 50. She ran the 100-meter dash faster than anyone her age ever had before, setting a world record! Now, at 107, she’s still full of energy and enthusiasm.

Julia’s journey into running is as unique as she is. It all started when one of her children suggested she try running the 100-yard dash in under 100 seconds to celebrate her 100th birthday. Julia not only took on the challenge but also completed it in much less time than expected. She recalls this with a twinkle in her eye.

In 2021, at the Louisiana Senior Games, Julia aimed to finish the 100-meter dash in less than a minute. Though she crossed the finish line in just over 62 seconds, she wasn’t too disappointed. She recognized the challenges posed by the cold and windy weather on that day.

What makes Julia’s races even more special is the support she receives. At that race, several of her former students, now in their 90s, cheered her on. Imagine, students she taught in the fourth grade, now supporting their teacher in her athletic endeavors – it’s a heartwarming sight!

Julia won the title for the fastest 100-meter dash in the 105+ category, which didn’t come as a surprise to her. She modestly notes that not many people her age are competing, but she’s proud to be one of the few who are.

Running isn’t her only passion. Julia loves gardening and cherishes time spent with her large family, including children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She fondly remembers her late husband, Murray Hawkins, whom she was married to for 70 years. Their love story, which includes getting married by telephone during World War II, is as captivating as her running feats.

Julia’s advice to everyone is to look for “magic moments” in life – those beautiful, often overlooked experiences that don’t require wealth, just a keen eye and an appreciative heart.

Julia Hawkins’ story is not just about running; it’s about living life to the fullest, regardless of age. She inspires us to find joy in every moment and to keep chasing our dreams, no matter how old we get. What are your thoughts on Julia’s incredible journey? Share with us in the comments!