Six-year-old girl dies in unexpected badminton accident – wished to be ‘saved’

In a heart-wrenching accident, six-year-old Lucy Morgan lost her life when a racket broke during a swing, and a piece of metal from the handle pierced her skull. This tragic incident happened while her family was on vacation in Limerick, Maine.

Lucy’s father, Pastor Jesse Morgan, shared the devastating news on his blog. He described how Lucy was unresponsive but still breathing on her own when the metal piece struck her. She was quickly taken to a nearby hospital and then airlifted to Maine Medical Center in Portland.

Six-year-old girl dies in unexpected badminton accident – wished to be 'saved'

“Upon arrival she went right to the operating room where they removed part of her skull to relieve pressure,” Jesse wrote. “In the PICU we are being told that there is a very slim chance she recovers.”

In a poignant revelation, Jesse shared that Lucy had recently spoken about meeting God. Just a month before the accident, she asked her mother about being saved. After a brief conversation, Lucy went to her room and prayed to God.

“She went to her room and prayed to God to forgive her and that she believed in Jesus’ death and resurrection. What a gift,” Jesse wrote.

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As Lucy fought for her life, Jesse continued to update everyone on her condition. He expressed their devastation over the significant lack of brain function Lucy showed in the past 48 hours. Despite all efforts and second opinions, the signs pointed to brain death.

Medical staff did everything possible to save Lucy, but her injuries were too severe. Jesse shared the heartbreaking news in his final blog post: “Lucy Lynn Morgan passed away this morning around 4am. She now sees Jesus face to face. Thank you for all your love poured out to us.”

In support of the Morgan family, loved ones set up a GoFundMe account, which has surpassed its initial target of $100,000 and is now nearing $150,000. Organizer Jill Anthony shared updates and expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support.


“This page serves as a place to provide them extravagant financial support – to help pay for meals while they are away from home, lodging for family, medical costs … whatever they need,” Jill wrote. “June 5, Lucy went to be with the Lord. Please keep praying for the Morgans as they walk through these next days, weeks, months, and years without their sweet Lucy here with them.

Our hearts go out to the Morgan family during this incredibly difficult time. Rest in peace, Lucy.

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