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Simple puzzle reveals how bad many people are at math

Waking up your brain can be as easy and fun as solving a tricky puzzle. One such puzzle that's catching everyone's attention involves counting...

Curious mouse found unconscious on its back after eating cannabis leaves

In a charming story from New Brunswick, Canada, where cannabis is legal, a little mouse turned into quite the sensation. Farmers often worry about creatures...

I discovered tickets in my husband’s old jacket and filed for divorce the following day

In a heartfelt post on social media, a woman revealed a shocking discovery that shattered her once-perfect marriage. She found hidden tickets in an...

School janitor becomes principal of elementary school where he once worked: ‘I am blessed’

When your timing is right, your clock runs very fast. We can call it God's speed. Patience pays; what fate has for you will...

Mackenzie Scott changing the world of philanthropy with generous contributions

Mackenzie Scott, a philanthropist, and ex-wife to Jeff Bezos is changing the world of philanthropy with her generous contributions. Scott is among other billionaires who...