Home Good Stories 5-year-old saves sister and dog from burning home then rushes back to...

5-year-old saves sister and dog from burning home then rushes back to help save 7 other members of the family


A five-year-old boy has been called a hero for saving the lives of his two-year-old sister and their family dog from a burning home.

But he did not stop there. The young hero also made sure to come back and alert seven other family members, ultimately saving their lives as well.

One Sunday morning, an electrical fire started in the room that Noah Woods and his sister Lily, age 2, shared. Noah grabbed his sister and the family dog and escaped through the window as soon as he realized there was danger.

“I picked Lily up, got to the window with Lily, got the dog and got out,” Noah Woods, 5, told WSBTV. “That’s it.”

After escaping the burning home through the window, Noah ran next door to get help from his uncle, Josh. Within a few minutes, all the family members were alerted, and they were able to get to safety.

The family set up a GoFundMe campaign to help with expenses and also help them rebuild after losing their home.

As per GoFundMe, the family revealed, “The electrical fire began in the children’s bedroom. Noah woke to flames in his room. He quickly grabbed up his two-year-old sister, Lilly, opened the bedroom window, climbed out the window, and ran next door to get help from his uncle, our son, Josh. Within minutes, all nine of us were able to get to safety. We praise God that we all are safe.”

Fortunately, with the exception of a minor burn on Noah’s wrist, all nine family members made it out of the house unharmed.

“Noah and 4 other family members were treated for minor burns and smoke inhalation … On Friday BCFD Chief Dwayne Jamison will recognize him as an Honorary Bartow County Firefighter and present him with a Lifesaving Award.”

“If it wasn’t for Noah, I mean, we were all asleep, so we wouldn’t have known what was going on,” David Woods, Noah’s grandfather, said. “We could’ve all lost our lives.”

This young hero’s quick thinking ended up saving his family from a possible tragedy. He truly deserves all the praise from the community.

Share Noah’s story with friends and loved ones to hone his act of bravery.