Woman thinks dog has bites, but vet’s discovery leads to police involvement

A routine vet visit takes a shocking turn when hidden signs prompt a call to the authorities

It’s heartbreaking to realize that some individuals should never be allowed near animals. A few years ago, Hayden Howard experienced a nightmare when she noticed something was wrong with her beloved dog, Jackson, an English Mastiff.

Jackson had been playing in the backyard while Hayden was inside. When she called him in, she thought he was covered in insect bites. But a closer look revealed something far more disturbing—Jackson was riddled with bullet wounds.


“I was completely shocked, I didn’t know what to think,” Hayden shared with WXIN.

Alarmed, she rushed Jackson to the vet. The examination revealed that the dog had been shot multiple times with a BB gun. The tiny bullets were found all over his body—one lodged under his eyelid, another in his ear, and even one in his knee. The vet had to shave most of Jackson’s fur to remove the plastic pellets, extracting a total of 27 bullets. Sadly, 20 more bullets were left inside because they were too dangerous to remove.

In total, Jackson had been shot over 70 times.


Assistant Chief Craig Hayes of the Seymour Police Department stated, “I have never seen an animal shot that many times. It’s a very bad case and it’s sad to see.”

The police quickly identified a suspect, believed to be responsible for the attack, living in a nearby home. Upon investigation, authorities found a BB gun, pellets, and other incriminating items, including methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Jackson’s recovery has been nothing short of remarkable, considering the trauma he endured. Hayden shared that he is healing well, though the emotional scars from such cruelty might take longer to mend.


This incident is a stark reminder that BB and pellet guns, often labeled as “toys,” are far from harmless. When used maliciously, they can cause significant harm and should be treated as dangerous weapons. Criminals who use these guns to harm innocent beings, especially animals, should face serious consequences.

Let’s hope Jackson makes a full recovery and can once again enjoy his time in the backyard without fear. If you believe that animal abusers deserve to be held accountable, share this story and raise awareness about the dangers of BB guns.

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