Hairless young bear found in dumpster makes an incredible transformation one year later

A young black bear with no fur was rescued from a dumpster, and her stunning recovery after one year will amaze you.

When we think of a bear, we usually picture a strong and furry creature, one of nature’s most magnificent predators. But when rescuers found Eve in California’s Placer County, she was unrecognizable. She wasn’t the typical image of a bear. Instead, she was hairless, pink, and covered in scabs from head to toe. This bear, who was supposed to be thriving in the wild, was barely clinging to life.

Eve was rescued by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife on Christmas Eve 2017, which is how she got her name. Her journey to recovery wasn’t going to be easy, but the team at The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center stepped in to give her a fighting chance.

The first challenge was addressing her severe mange, a skin disease caused by parasitic mites that had wreaked havoc on her body. Not only was Eve suffering from malnutrition due to lack of food, but her fur, one of a bear’s greatest assets for survival, had mostly disappeared. She was given special treatments and baths to help her heal, but recovery was slow and difficult.

Four months later, in April, Eve’s progress was still uncertain. While some of her fur was slowly growing back, she continued to face stubborn skin infections. The center wrote updates on her condition, describing her slow improvement and her love for playing in the water.

But by July, Eve had turned a significant corner. Although the mange was finally under control, the decision was made that Eve would never return to the wild. Her missing fur left her vulnerable, and wildfires in California further threatened her safety.

The team at the wildlife center knew they had to ensure Eve’s long-term well-being. They started planning to move her to a larger, permanent home at the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch in Texas. Raising funds for this sanctuary became a priority, as caring for Eve was no small task—her care cost nearly $500 a week.

Eve’s story is one of resilience, hope, and the kindness of strangers. Her transformation is a powerful reminder of the impact people can make when they come together to help animals in need. Eve may never roam free again, but she’s alive, well, and surrounded by love in her new home.

What do you think about Eve’s journey? Do you believe more should be done to rescue animals like her? Share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t forget to spread the word by sharing this story!

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