Wisconsin girl who inspired worldwide card drive for her last birthday dies at age 5

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Delaney Krings, a 5-year-old from Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Delaney was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in October 2022 and passed away on January 28, 2023.

Delaney’s mother, Heather Krings, shared the news on the family’s CaringBridge page and posted a photo of her daughter smiling while climbing a tree with the caption, “Our Sweet Angel Baby has gained her wings. Delaney Judith Krings. 12.16.2017 — 1.28.2023. Fly high, my sweet baby.”

Courtesy Heather Krings

Heather encourages everyone to remember Delaney by being kind and paying kindness forward in her name. The outpouring of love and support the family has received is a testament to the love Delaney left behind. Heather states, “Please know in your heart she’s sharing a little bit of her love with you now, too, in the hopes that it helps you find light when it’s dark, and find the love when you’re sad.”

On October 31, 2022, Delaney, who was four years old at the time, was diagnosed with Diffuse Midline Glioma at Children’s Wisconsin hospital in Milwaukee. The doctors informed her parents that she likely had only six to eight weeks to live. The family’s main focus was to celebrate Delaney’s fifth birthday on December 16.

When Delaney’s friends found out about her diagnosis, one of them suggested a card drive to celebrate her upcoming birthday. The news quickly spread throughout their community and eventually across the nation. Thousands of cards came in from all over the world, even from research scientists in Antarctica.

Courtesy Heather Krings

Delaney’s mother, Krings, said at the time, “It’s a little overwhelming. She’s got so much love pouring in.” She also mentioned that Delaney had even received a virtual greeting from JJ Watt.

On December 16, thousands of people joined in a birthday parade to celebrate Delaney’s last birthday. Delaney’s father, Jack Krings, was grateful for the outpouring of support. He told NBC affiliate TMJ4 News in Milwaukee, “There’s no way to thank everybody, but, from the bottom of our hearts we appreciate everything.”

Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family during this difficult time. We hope that they find comfort and support as they grieve the loss of their beloved daughter.

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