Experts claim ancient ruin confirms a Bible story is true

Recent research has significantly changed our understanding of a major wall in ancient Jerusalem. Previously, scholars believed that this wall was built by Hezekiah, King of Judah, to protect the city from the Assyrian Empire after the fall of the neighboring Kingdom of Israel.

However, new findings indicate that the wall was actually constructed by Hezekiah’s great-grandfather, King Uzziah, following a significant earthquake mentioned in the Bible.

For many years, it was assumed that Hezekiah built the wall during his reign to defend against the Assyrian king, Sennacherib. This belief linked the wall’s construction to Hezekiah’s efforts to fortify Jerusalem. However, a detailed study conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), Tel Aviv University, and the Weizmann Institute of Science has placed the wall’s origins earlier, aligning it with a major seismic event during King Uzziah’s time.


The Bible, particularly the Second Book of Chronicles, describes King Uzziah’s efforts to fortify Jerusalem. This includes building towers at strategic locations within the city, which matches the archaeological evidence found. This correlation lends credibility to the biblical narrative about Jerusalem’s defenses.

Advanced carbon-14 dating techniques were used to determine the wall’s age. Previous dating attempts were hindered by fluctuations in atmospheric carbon levels. By using data from ancient European tree rings, researchers achieved unprecedented accuracy in dating. This breakthrough allowed them to pinpoint the construction of the wall to the time of King Uzziah, shortly after the earthquake.


In addition to revising the timeline of Jerusalem’s defenses, the research also offers new insights into the city’s growth and development. It suggests that internal Judean expansion, rather than just external factors like refugee influxes, played a significant role in the city’s demographic changes.

This discovery not only alters our understanding of Jerusalem’s ancient architecture but also enhances our knowledge of its historical significance during key periods, such as the reigns of David and Solomon. By connecting specific structures to biblical accounts, researchers have enriched our comprehension of ancient Judean history and the enduring legacy of Jerusalem.

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