Here’s why you should leave the bathroom light on when sleeping in a hotel

A simple tip for hotel stays that could make all the difference in your safety and comfort

It’s not uncommon to feel uneasy when staying in an unfamiliar place, especially when traveling abroad. Whether it’s a luxurious hotel or a budget motel, the experience of being away from the comfort of your home can often cause anxiety

In fact, some people find it difficult to fall asleep in these environments. But did you know that something as simple as keeping the bathroom light on can ease those nerves? Surprisingly, this small act can make a significant difference, both for comfort and safety.

Leaving the bathroom light on while you sleep might seem unnecessary, but it can provide much more than just a soft glow in the night. Not only does it help people feel more at ease in unfamiliar surroundings, but it also enhances safety in emergency situations. Let’s break down why this simple tip is one many travelers swear by and how it can improve your hotel stay.


Why Leave the Bathroom Light On?

When you’re in an unfamiliar place, it’s easy to feel disoriented in the dark. Whether you’re getting up in the middle of the night or facing an unexpected situation, finding your way around an unknown space can be tricky. Leaving the bathroom light on can provide just enough visibility without being too bright. The soft light helps you navigate your room without disturbing your sleep cycle or anyone else staying with you.

Additionally, many people experience heightened anxiety when staying in unfamiliar places, especially if they’re far from home. The dim glow from the bathroom light offers a sense of security and can help those who feel anxious settle into their temporary surroundings. Knowing that you won’t trip over your luggage or stumble while looking for your phone gives you peace of mind.

Safety First: Emergencies and Unexpected Situations

Emergencies are another reason to consider keeping the bathroom light on. If a fire breaks out, there’s an intruder, or any other sudden crisis arises, the light can guide you quickly to safety. In the confusion of a nighttime emergency, searching for a light switch can waste valuable seconds. With the bathroom light already on, you’re more likely to act swiftly and find your way out without panic.

In hotels, where hallways and rooms can look alike, this simple trick can make a big difference. Some travelers argue that the dim light might even deter intruders, who might assume that someone is awake and alert inside the room.


Practicality and Comfort: A Simple Solution

Beyond emergencies and anxiety, there’s also the simple matter of practicality. Many travelers, especially those staying only for a night or two, leave their luggage on the floor or in a corner instead of unpacking everything. A dim bathroom light can help you avoid tripping over bags, shoes, or other belongings scattered around the room. In the pitch dark of the night, this can save you from an uncomfortable fall or injury.

Interestingly, this small but useful habit has sparked debates online about preferences for sleeping with the bathroom light on. For some, it’s a lifesaver, while others find it bothersome.

Real Travelers Weigh In: The Glass Door Dilemma

Recently, a Reddit user shared a humorous and relatable experience while staying at a hotel. His hotel room had a bathroom with a glass door, which let in too much light at night. The traveler posted a picture of the brightly lit bathroom with the caption: “This hotel bathroom when you turn the bathroom light on at night.”

The comments section quickly filled with opinions. Some users loved the idea of having a glass door that provided plenty of light during the night. Others, however, said it would be a nightmare for them, especially if they needed darkness to sleep.

One user explained, “I spent the night in a similar one recently… the bathroom light was motion activated, so there was no way to avoid turning it on too.” Another person commented, “As someone who can’t sleep without the bathroom light under the door off, this would be a nightmare to me.”

This simple debate highlights the diversity in personal preferences when it comes to traveling. For some, the extra light offers security, while others prefer total darkness to get a good night’s rest.

This hotel bathroom when you turn the bathroom light on at night
byu/LMGooglyTFY inCrappyDesign

The Science Behind Light and Sleep

For those wondering about the impact of light on sleep, science offers some clarity. Bright lights can interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep. Exposure to light before or during sleep can delay this process, making it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night.

However, soft, dim lights—like those from a bathroom—are less likely to interfere with your sleep cycle. This makes them a good option for those who prefer a little light to navigate their space or reduce anxiety without fully disrupting their rest.

But if you’re someone who absolutely needs total darkness to sleep, even a dim light can be bothersome. In this case, eye masks or requesting a room with a solid bathroom door might be your best solution when staying at hotels.

Finding What Works Best for You

When it comes to creating the ideal sleeping environment, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Some people need total darkness to sleep soundly, while others appreciate the comfort and safety of a dim bathroom light. If you’re someone who feels anxious in new environments, or if you’re worried about emergencies, leaving the bathroom light on can offer a simple solution.

Next time you’re packing for a trip, consider how small adjustments like this can make your stay more comfortable. Everyone has their own preferences, but if you’re looking for a way to ease anxiety and improve safety during your travels, this is worth trying.

Now that you’ve heard the arguments for and against leaving the bathroom light on while staying at a hotel, we’d love to hear from you. Do you find comfort in having a light on during the night, or does it keep you awake? Share your thoughts and personal experiences in the comments below, and don’t forget to pass this tip along to your fellow travelers.

As always, it’s important to stay informed and rely on credible sources when making decisions, even about small things like whether to leave a light on. Simple habits like these can improve your travel experience and offer peace of mind when you’re away from home. Safe travels!

Please SHARE this article with your family and friends if you found it helpful, and encourage them to try this tip on their next trip!

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