Pizza delivery guy gets surprised with over $700 tip from church members

The little things we do for other people might seem insignificant to us, but mean the world to those we help.

What we should always keep in mind is that every act of kindness, whether big or small, makes a significant difference.

Pizza delivery guy gets surprised with over $700 tip from church members

Jeff Louis, 22, shared his incredible story with the world after he was shown kindness by total strangers. Louis had a difficult time staying away from drugs. He eventually turned his life around, found a job, and moved out of his parents’ house.

One day, while Louis was going about his day at work, he was asked to deliver an order to the Life Point Church. He was asked to enter the church and deliver the pizza personally to the priest. Louis found the request a little bit odd, but he agreed.

The 22-year-old didn’t realize that he was about to receive a huge surprise from total strangers.

Pizza delivery guy gets surprised with over $700 tip from church members
Courtesy Life Point Church

In a selfie video recorded by Louis and shared on Youtube, he narrated how the church members lined up to tip him.

“This whole church came up,” he said, pausing to hold back tears, “and gave me over $700 for a tip. It’s just truly amazing, you know. I’ve been having such a hard time lately, just struggling to stay clean and everything, and I’m just trying to get my life back, and it just really, truly just amazes me that people that don’t even know me just wanted to help me out that much. ”

He simply couldn’t believe that total strangers could line up and tip him $700 in such a manner.

Pizza delivery guy gets surprised with over $700 tip from church members
Courtesy Life Point Church

This young man was in the midst of recovering from addiction, so this gesture meant the world to him.

According to Louis’s father, Jim Louis, the young man had a shoulder that was chronically dislocated, and after multiple surgeries, he began taking strong painkillers that he “wanted more of.”

“Last year, he decided to seek help, and he was doing good up until around November when he relapsed a bit, just before getting the tip,” Jim said. “I don’t think that tip was just a coincidence, I think it was meant to happen,” Jim Louis told ABC News.

Many people commented on the video, showing their support and outpouring positivity toward Louis. One comment read, “Stay clean my friend, join that church. God wants you there. ”

After the story went viral, the alcohol and drug rehabilitation center Cliffside Malibu in California offered free rehabilitation services to Louis.

The Life Point Church’s kind gesture to Louis went a long way, and we are glad he received all the love and support he needed.

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