Veteran who took down Satan statue urges Americans to choose Jesus over Satan

Michael Cassidy, a brave Christian veteran, recently took a stand by dismantling the Satanic Temple’s statue of Baphomet at the Iowa State Capitol. In an interview with Jack Posobiec from Human Events, Cassidy called on Americans to rethink their cultural values and reject Satanic influences.

Cassidy’s actions have sparked a range of reactions. He has received both supportive and hostile messages. “I’ve received both positive and negative feedback, which has been quite remarkable. Some anonymous voices have applauded my firm stance against Satanism, recognizing the degradation in our society,” Cassidy said.

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However, he also highlighted the hate mail he has encountered, mainly from those sympathetic to Satanism. “I’ve also received a significant amount of hate mail from Satanists and their sympathizers. It’s astonishing – when I mention ‘hate mail,’ I mean hateful messages via fake Facebook accounts and Twitter trolls.,” he shared.

One particular message stood out to Cassidy. A father from Iowa expressed his anger because he could no longer show the satanic statue to his daughter. “I received a message from a father who was upset because the statue was no longer there. He had planned to show his daughter the statue of Satan that day,” Cassidy remarked.

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Cassidy believes that the presence of such statues in public places can significantly influence society. He stressed the importance of keeping these icons out of public view to prevent their harmful impact. “It’s crucial for people to realize the profound impact these icons can have on our society,” he explained.

Cassidy’s message is simple yet powerful: “I want people to reject Satan and embrace Jesus Christ. This should be the central message. It’s disheartening to witness a desire to expose children to such darkness.”

In a time when values are often challenged, Michael Cassidy’s dedication to his faith reminds Americans to reflect on their beliefs and consider their impact on society’s future.

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