Flight attendant reveals why your response to their ‘hello’ matters when boarding the plane
Your simple greeting could mean more than you think—flight attendants explain the surprising reason behind it.
When you board a plane, it’s common to be welcomed by a friendly flight attendant with a warm “hello.” While this greeting seems like a simple gesture of courtesy, it actually serves a more important purpose.
Why do flight attendants say hello when boarding a plane
Responding to a flight attendant’s greeting is more than just a polite exchange. It’s part of their responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone on board. This quick interaction allows flight attendants to assess whether passengers are fit to fly, especially if they’ve had too much to drink. Many travelers have a drink or two before boarding, and flight attendants need to make sure no one is too intoxicated to travel safely.

Flight attendants are trained to look for signs of intoxication or illness during these brief greetings. There are stories of passengers becoming disruptive after drinking too much, like one traveler who had the whole plane laughing as he struggled to walk after one too many drinks. By catching these signs early, flight attendants can prevent potential issues before the plane takes off.
According to Iona Iachim, a flight attendant at Wizz Air, this greeting also helps them check if passengers are too sick to fly. Being in a confined space for hours requires everyone to be in a safe and stable condition. Flight attendants rely on these quick assessments to keep things under control.
In addition to spotting potential problems, flight attendants also use greetings to identify passengers who could be helpful in an emergency. During these brief interactions, they gauge who might stay calm and assist if needed. This mental map of capable passengers helps them know who to turn to in case of a crisis mid-flight.

Sometimes, passengers think the friendly greeting means the flight attendant is interested in them. However, this is usually not the case. Flight attendants maintain a professional attitude to ensure everything runs smoothly. While there’s some light humor among the crew, such as calling a passenger “bob” (short for “best on board”), their main focus is always safety, not flirtation.
If you find a flight attendant being particularly friendly, remember to keep things professional. It’s best not to confuse their politeness with personal interest. If you want to stay in touch, sharing contact information as you leave the plane is the most respectful way to do so.
Why Safety Comes First
In the end, that simple “hello” from a flight attendant is much more than a greeting. It’s a crucial part of their job to ensure the safety of everyone on the plane. They’re not just saying hi—they’re making sure everything is set for a safe and comfortable flight for everyone on board.