Vegan woman takes her neighbors to court for barbecuing meat in their backyard—” all I can smell is fish”

Cilla Carden, a massage therapist from Perth, has been struggling with her noisy neighbors.

They have been playing basketball and using their barbecue, making it hard for her to relax in her own backyard. It got so bad that she decided to take them to the Supreme Court in Australia.

“It’s been devastating, it’s been turmoil, it’s been unrest, I haven’t been able to sleep,” Carden told 9News.

Vegan woman takes her neighbors to court for barbecuing meat in their backyard—" all I can smell is fish"
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For several months now, Carden has been expressing her discomfort about the smell of her neighbor’s barbecue and smoke. She has also mentioned her annoyance about the children playing basketball in the area.

Carden has been vocal about the unpleasant fishy smell that emanates from her neighbor’s place, which has hindered her from enjoying her backyard. The smell has become unbearable for her, making it impossible for her to go outside.

“They’ve put it there so I smell fish, all I can smell is fish. I can’t enjoy my backyard, I can’t go out there.”

After a lengthy dispute, Carden took her neighbors to court due to their constant barbecuing and basketball playing, which she claimed disturbed her peace. Unfortunately, her case was rejected, and when she tried to appeal to the Supreme Court, she was once again denied.

Vegan woman takes her neighbors to court for barbecuing meat in their backyard—" all I can smell is fish"
YouTube Screenshot

Frustrated, Carden argued that her neighbors were deliberately causing a disturbance. However, it seems that the situation may have been resolved, as the neighbor has removed their barbecue and instructed their children not to play basketball anymore. 9News investigated and confirmed these changes.

It wasn’t long before the court case caught the public’s attention and inspired the creation of a Facebook event inviting the community to a barbecue. This event was meant to show the woman involved in the case, Cilla Carden, that she couldn’t take away a beloved Australian tradition.

The event got a lot of attention and received 24,000 responses, but the police issued a warning and Carden’s lawyer threatened legal action. As a result, the barbecue was canceled.

Although some people believe Carden’s actions and complaints mean she doesn’t want others to eat meat, her lawyer clarifies that this isn’t the case. According to her lawyer, Carden has no objections to people eating meat or having barbecues.

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