Woman who ‘died and spent three days in heaven’ reveals a chilling vision of the future

Julie Poole, a spiritual coach, claims to have ‘died’ and returned with a powerful message for humanity.

Julie, who has dedicated her life to helping others through her spiritual teachings, had a difficult start. She endured physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse from a young age. Despite these challenges, she found solace and strength in spirituality.

YouTube/ Life After Life NDE

Open about her life, Julie recently shared a profound experience following an attempted suicide in her 20s. She overdosed on medication, leading to an experience she describes as spending three days in a heaven-like spirit realm.

Julie recalls, ““I suddenly saw my guides and my angels around me and then they lifted me up, and took me up to the Higher Realms. I just remember saying ‘I’m going home’ and they said ‘No you’re not, it’s not your time’.”

YouTube/ Life After Life NDE

During this time, Julie claims to have received visions about the future of humanity. The spirits told her that a new ‘Golden Age’ would begin between 2012 and 2032. This era would bring about significant changes, with corrupt power structures falling away and a new era of equality and truth emerging.

Julie believes we are approaching a ‘day of reckoning,’ not as a catastrophic event, but as a time when corrupt leaders will be exposed and replaced by those with pure intentions.

Her story, though extraordinary, serves as a message of hope and transformation for humanity.

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