Why some men paint one fingernail—The important message it sends

In 2013, a visit to an orphanage in Cambodia profoundly changed the life of Elliot Costello, an Australian social entrepreneur. Unbeknownst to him, this encounter would not only transform his life but also touch thousands of others worldwide.

During this visit, Elliot met Thea, a 10-year-old girl who had been rescued from a horrific situation and placed in the orphanage. Thea had endured two years of severe physical and sexual abuse, leaving her deeply scarred. Without Elliot, the world might never have heard of this courageous young girl.

Polished Man

The Beginning

Thea’s early life in Cambodia was like that of any other child, surrounded by love and care from her parents. However, her father’s sudden death plunged the family into financial hardship. Unable to provide for Thea, her mother made the heart-wrenching decision to place her in an orphanage, hoping it would offer a better life. Tragically, the orphanage became a nightmare, as Thea faced daily abuse at the hands of the director.

Thea’s situation changed when she was moved to another orphanage in Phnom Penh, operated by Hagar International. During a visit there, Elliot Costello bonded with Thea over games of naughts and crosses. Despite her traumatic past, Thea exuded joy and positivity. She often had nail polish on her nails, and one day, she asked Elliot if she could paint his nails. This simple act became a promise for Elliot to remember her and her suffering.


Inspiration for Change

This interaction inspired Elliot to initiate positive changes among men to reduce the incidence of child sexual abuse. He conceived the idea of a movement where men paint one of their nails to show support for the cause. The single painted nail symbolizes the one in five children who will experience sexual violence.

The Alarming Statistics

The statistics underline the urgency of this cause. According to the YMCA, nearly 70 percent of reported sexual assaults involve children aged 17 and under. Furthermore, one in four girls and one in six boys will face sexual abuse before they turn 18. Given that men are responsible for approximately 90 percent of such violence, Elliot believes that men must lead the change.

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The Polished Man Campaign

Elliot’s campaign, Polished Man, aims to prevent sexual violence against children by challenging violent behavior and language globally. Many celebrities, including Chris Hemsworth, Zac Efron, and surfer Kelly Slater, have joined the movement by painting their nails and spreading awareness. Hemsworth emphasized that being a Polished Man is about rejecting violence against children.

Since its inception, the Polished Man campaign has grown significantly, capturing media attention by 2014. Over the past decade, the organization has raised $8.7 million to support trauma prevention and recovery programs for at-risk women and children in Australia and around the world.


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A Continuing Legacy

Elliot’s encounter with Thea sparked a movement that continues to make strides towards a safer world for children. The Polished Man campaign encourages more men and celebrities to embrace and promote this vital cause, ensuring that fewer children endure the suffering that Thea faced.

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