Woman criticizes cop for eating at burger King on duty, his reply is perfect

We’ve all had those days when we barely have time to eat, let alone take a break. This happens to police officers too, who work long hours to keep us safe.

Police Constable Andre Owen knows this all too well. During his only break in a 12-hour shift, he stopped at Burger King to grab some food. But one woman in the restaurant shamed him for taking a break.

Andre Owen (Twitter)

PC Owen had been working non-stop for seven hours and still had a 100-mile drive and paperwork ahead. Knowing he needed energy, he stopped for a burger, soda, and coffee. As he was leaving, a woman said, “Whilst you’re in here stuffing your face, there’s criminals that need catching out there.”

Shocked by her comment, Owen shared his experience on platform X, formerly Twitter. His tweet went viral, with many people supporting the hardworking officer. He explained, “The tweet wasn’t for sympathy, but to show the public the reality behind what is commonplace in the UK.”


Owen, who has worked with Sussex Police for five years, said he had a very busy day. He started his shift with a serious job in Brighton and then drove to Oxford. He hadn’t had a break until he stopped at the service station.

While waiting for his food, the woman stared at him and made her comment. Owen simply smiled and walked away. Later, his shift got even longer when he helped a family with a broken-down car, adding another hour to his day. Despite his long hours, Owen said he loves his job and wouldn’t change it for the world.

Andre Owen (Twitter)

Owen’s story highlights that police officers are human too. They have long, tough days and deserve a break like anyone else. So next time you see an officer grabbing a quick bite, offer a smile instead of judgment. You never know what they’ve been through or what they’re about to face.

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