
Going to church does not make you a good person—Pope Francis Says

The Bible says that many will receive…


Toddler has the cutest fit when she hears grandma say “Bad word”

Young children are always amazing and that…


Two-year-old girl dressed up as Queen Elizabeth received a letter of thanks from Buckingham Palace

The life of Queen Elizabeth II was…


The longest-married couple in the United States celebrates 86 years of marriage

Stories about marriage differ from couple to…


11-year-old refugee who lost his LEGOs while fleeing Ukraine is showered with sweetest gifts

Civil wars or wars between countries always…


Dad and twin sons cut enough firewood to fill 80 trucks and gave it all away to those in need

Service to humanity is service to God.…


A firefighter saves baby’s life by performing CPR while rapidly descending the ladder

There are heroes and heroines we don’t…


Neighbors put a 10-year-old boy back to business after his curbside bakery get stolen

David Hove entered their house for a…


Nurse cares for premature baby who had no visitors for 5 months—then decides she can’t live without her

I walk in your shoes. Keep praying…


People are angered after a proud father posted photos of his 14-year-old at work

For most of us, getting our first…

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