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Janitor who walks miles to work drops to his knees after coworkers surprise him with $7,000 for new car


A committed and hardworking janitor has a reason to smile after his coworkers surprised him with $7,000 to buy a new truck.

Robert Reed has been working as a janitor at the Farmington Elementary School in Germantown, Tennessee for about four months.

Though it seems like a short period of time, Reed managed to charm his way into the hearts of the students and coworkers who adored him.

Janitor who walks miles to work drops to his knees after coworkers surprise him with $7,000 for new car
WREG News Channel 3

At school, the sixty-year-old is known for his tendency to work extra hard and even seek out extra jobs around the school whenever he’s done with his janitorial duties. What the students didn’t know about him was that he didn’t have a car.

Every morning, Reed would wake up and take three buses and walk two miles to get to school on time. Then he would reverse the journey in the evening. Most days, he wouldn’t get home until around 8 p.m.

Thankfully, his colleagues knew about his commuting struggles, and they would sometimes step in and help. They had driven him to the bus stop after school and even offered him money for lunch some days.

Janitor who walks miles to work drops to his knees after coworkers surprise him with $7,000 for new car
WREG News Channel 3

Reed was hoping to start a yard business to boost his income, but he couldn’t do it without a truck. That is when his colleagues took their generosity and kindness a step further.

The staff and parents of the elementary school had put their heads, hearts, and wallets together to buy him a new truck.

When Reed learned of the surprise, he was overwhelmed with emotion and dropped to his knees.

Watch the video below to learn more about the story. It’s stories like these that make me believe in humanity. I’m glad Reed got rewarded for all his hard work.