Man who spent months at roadside asking for help now thanks locals after landing a job: “I start work on Monday”
People could be having problems, but we tend to ignore them, especially when they carry placards on the roadside that bear messages asking for food and jobs. We presume they are scammers or people who will put our donations to inappropriate use.
One man proved to the public that the help he received from random strangers changed his life. He left a signpost on the road, thanking everyone who had helped him.
Kevin, from West Seneca, New York, had been experiencing challenges in life. He needed help to get food and other basic needs. He had fixed on one street corner a signpost proclaiming that he was ex-military, drug-free, alcohol-free, and looking for work.
POSITIVE NEWS to start your Sunday: A man who used to be a fixture at a West Seneca intersection left a sign behind this week, letting supporters know he found a job! Read more:
— 7 News WKBW (@WKBW) April 25, 2021
His routine changed. He carried a placard thanking everyone who had assisted him. He expressed his gratitude and said he would start work the following Monday.
This sign was important to people who stopped to help Kevin a couple of weeks earlier and were glad he found work.
The news of Kevin’s finding a job spread because of its posting on Facebook.
The story is encouraging. Everyone who helped Kevin said he was grateful for anything he received on the streets. He also received praise for being genuine because his face was all written with “I need your help.”

Reports showed he was going to be working with a landscaping company. Kelvin found work because he was persistent and he showed people what he wanted.
When you want something, be persistent in asking for it as you pray. It will pay off.
Kevin’s story is inspiring that we should find the courage to help the needy. We never know what such small favors do to their lives. It is an act of kindness and generosity toward the less fortunate.