Store employee goes on a date with an old man who was going to be alone on Christmas

Many of us enjoy the holidays with our families, but we should also remember those who spend Christmas alone each year. The holiday season can be tough for them because everywhere they look, there are reminders of family gatherings and spending time with loved ones.

Back in 2017, 86-year-old Edwin Holmes was looking at a lonely Christmas with just a frozen meal for company. But everything changed when he met Ellie Walker, a 22-year-old employee at the UK supermarket chain Sainsbury’s. Edwin often visited this store, and that’s how he and Ellie became acquainted.

Ellie spoke highly of Edwin, saying to The Sun, “He is without a shadow of a doubt my favorite customer.” Edwin, a retired painter and decorator, lives in assisted housing close to the Sainsbury’s store in Leeds, England. He lost his wife over fifty years ago, and his daughter and grandchildren are in Australia, quite a distance from him.

KiSS 92.5

After learning that Edwin would be alone for the holidays, Ellie felt she needed to act. She said, “He is the cutest man and so chatty. I thought if it was my granddad and he was alone, I would want someone to talk to him.”

Ellie decided to invite Edwin for a Christmas dinner at the supermarket’s restaurant. To show his appreciation, Edwin wore his best suit and brought Ellie flowers. They enjoyed their meal together, complete with Christmas crackers, which are a cherished holiday tradition in the U.K.

Following their dinner, Edwin expressed his gratitude, mentioning to Metro News, “The dinner made me very happy as it was unexpected and I had very pleasant company.” He added,“As for the suit, it was my first date for about 55 years, and the flowers because I wasn’t going to go empty handed.” This kind gesture turned into a lasting friendship, and now, Ellie and Edwin often meet up for coffee chats.

This heartwarming act shows how small gestures can make a big difference. Let’s hope more people feel inspired to extend their hand, lend an ear, or just spend time with those who could use the company. Even a small effort can truly change someone’s day or life. Let’s spread the word and encourage others to do the same. Please pass this on.

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