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11-year-old refugee who lost his LEGOs while fleeing Ukraine is showered with sweetest gifts


Civil wars or wars between countries always put everyone at bay. Children suffer the most because, first, they are very helpless and, second, they don’t even understand what is happening. They only see people running up and down and gunshots everywhere. War interferes with their operations, especially with the toys they adore.

Igor Sidorov’s family suffers the plight caused by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war that makes them flee hurriedly and not pick everything because of time and fear. One of the items left behind was the many LEGOs their son Andrew has been making.

11-year-old refugee who lost his LEGOs while fleeing Ukraine is showered with sweetest gifts

These items were so precious to their son that they took them to the media to ask for support.

Their son, at 11 years old, was a very creative builder of LEGOs over time and had amassed thousands of followers on Instagram. He had also started to gather hundreds of followers on YouTube.


Igor Sidorov was lucky to find the perfect group to post his ad to, “Help Ukrainians in Ireland.” This group was helpful when he said his eldest son was engaged in building and constructing beautiful LEGO toys. He described him as good at making them, and war changed that. They needed help with legos of any size.

11-year-old refugee who lost his LEGOs while fleeing Ukraine is showered with sweetest gifts


As he was putting up the post, he expected only a handful but was amazed that so many supported that cause. Within no time, they had a steady stream of LEGO toys, both new and old and of different sizes, filling the hotel where they had taken refuge.


His son Andrey was building his toys thanks to the overwhelming and kind support from well-wishers. Igor was very grateful to everyone who contributed. Andrey’s smile rejuvenated and a sense of normalcy returned to the life of the 11-year-old despite the ongoing war.

11-year-old refugee who lost his LEGOs while fleeing Ukraine is showered with sweetest gifts


The 11-year-old paid his respects to Ireland by creating a flag. Andrey also expressed gratitude to those who had welcomed him and his family with open arms. He thanked the Irish people for their hospitality and described the people as generous, hospitable, and warm-hearted!