Richard Gere looks unrecognizable – woman mistakes him for homeless and offers food

Find out why a woman thought Richard Gere was homeless and how he was mistaken for someone in need.

While visiting New York, a tourist from Paris had a surprising encounter when she saw a man pulling a partially eaten burger from a trash can. Moved by the sight, she offered him some help, unaware that the man was none other than Richard Gere, the famous actor.

In 2014, Richard Gere was in New York filming Time Out of Mind, a movie where he plays George, a mentally ill man living on the streets. The film, directed by Oren Moverman, required Gere to blend in with the everyday people of New York City. Dressed in ragged clothes, Gere portrayed a homeless man, complete with an empty coffee cup, begging for change on the streets.

Gere shared that while he was in character, no one recognized him. He mentioned that although he was in one of the busiest places in New York, people didn’t make eye contact or acknowledge him. He explained that people’s perceptions were influenced by his appearance and body language, leading them to see him as just another homeless person rather than a famous actor.

The director, Oren Moverman, emphasized that the experience highlighted how the homeless are often overlooked. He noted that no one gave Gere any money or recognized him, reinforcing the idea that the homeless are frequently invisible to society.

Unfortunately, a photo of Gere in character was taken and shared on social media, leading to false rumors that he was undercover to raise awareness about homelessness. The post, which went viral, falsely claimed that Gere was handing out $100 bills to homeless individuals.

To address the misinformation, Gere used fellow actor Jenna Malone’s Facebook account to clarify the situation. He explained that the photo was taken while he was filming a movie, not as part of any social experiment, and that the claims of him giving away money were untrue.

Despite the misunderstandings, one person did notice Gere’s situation, even though she didn’t recognize him. Karine Gombeau, a tourist from Paris, saw Gere searching through a trash can near Grand Central Station and offered him some leftover pizza from a nearby restaurant. Gere graciously accepted the food, thanking her for the gesture.

Gombeau later expressed her sadness at seeing so many homeless people in New York and spoke about the wastefulness of food when so many have nothing. She was shocked to discover two days later, through a newspaper article, that the man she helped was actually Richard Gere.

Gombeau was amazed by the unexpected turn of events and shared that while she wasn’t a huge fan of Gere’s movie Pretty Woman, she admired his work in Chicago. The incident left her and her family with lasting memories of their trip to New York, especially the confusion when people around them reacted to what they thought was a random act of kindness.

This story serves as a reminder of the often-overlooked presence of homeless individuals in our society and the power of kindness, even in the most unexpected situations. While Gere was merely playing a role, the emotions and reactions it evoked were very real, shedding light on the importance of empathy and awareness.

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