Elephants mourn lost baby with a touching funeral march

Discover the moving scene as elephants pay tribute to a lost baby in a display of mourning that resembles a human funeral.

In a moving scene that touched the hearts of thousands, a video shared by Parveen Kaswan, an Indian Forest Service officer, showed elephants performing what appeared to be a funeral ritual for a deceased baby elephant.

The video, posted on platform X (formerly Twitter), immediately went viral, leaving viewers amazed by the emotional depth these animals displayed.

K24 TV

In the video, an elephant emerges from the bushes carrying the lifeless body of a baby elephant in its trunk. The adult elephant gently places the baby on the ground and stands guard, waiting as more elephants arrive.

In a slow and solemn procession, the herd gathers around, seemingly paying their respects. The initial elephant then lifts the baby’s body once more, with others following close behind.

Kaswan’s video has stirred emotions across social media, garnering over 7,500 retweets and more than 15,000 likes on X. Many were struck by how the elephants’ behavior mirrored human grief and mourning.

K24 TV

Elephants are known to exhibit complex social behaviors, including mourning their dead. Similar to humans, they have been observed gathering around their deceased, touching the body, and even standing vigil.

This touching display serves as a reminder of the deep emotional connections animals can form. What do you think about this act of mourning? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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