A bus driver assists a little girl with braiding her hair after the death of her mother

Mothers and daughters share a special bond that is unlike any other relationship.

From the moment a daughter is born, a mother’s love is unconditional and unwavering, and as the daughter grows and blossoms into her own person, this bond only grows stronger.

Through the ups and downs of life, a mother’s love remains a constant source of support and guidance for her daughter. This special bond is truly one of a kind.

A bus driver assists a little girl with braiding her hair after the death of her mother
NBC News

When Isabella Pieri’s mother passed away from a rare disease, she was just 11 years old. Her father, Philip, who is now a single parent, made every effort to maintain as much consistency as he could in his daughter’s life.

One thing he struggled with was learning how to do Isabella’s hair. He found himself playing both the roles of mother and father. Phillip had no idea what to do with his daughter’s hair despite doing everything he could and raising a child who was well-equipped to deal with most situations.

A bus driver assists a little girl with braiding her hair after the death of her mother
NBC News

“I originally just gave her a crew cut because I didn’t know how, and it was all tangled and I couldn’t get it out for anything,” Philip told KSL.

When Isabella came on the school bus one day, she noticed her driver, Tracy Dean, assisting a kid with her braids. She asked Tracy if she could also care for her hair which she readily agreed.

“I can tell she was struggling with her hair,” Tracy told ABC News. “We usually do two French braids first and once in a while she just wants one braid. I also taught her how to brush her hair. “She’d get on the bus and she’d say, ‘I brushed my hair. Does it look good? I’ll say, ‘You did awesome.’”

A bus driver assists a little girl with braiding her hair after the death of her mother
NBC News

Since Isabella’s mother had passed away, Tracy felt it was only right to start helping her get ready for school by doing her hair every morning. Tracy who is a mother of four children has a child who is roughly the same age as Isabella.

Moreover, the bus driver saw nothing unusual in having to spend a few minutes each morning braiding the little girl’s hair.

“It’s just the way my mom raised me, to be nice to everyone—people who need a little love in their life,” said Dean, adding, “I like to give all of the kids a chance—even the naughty kids.”

A bus driver assists a little girl with braiding her hair after the death of her mother
NBC News

Tracy is pleased to style Isabella’s hair. She recalls a period when she, too, was concerned about how her children would cope if she were to suddenly leave them.

“Seven years ago, I found out I had breast cancer, and that’s one of the things that went through my head — who is going to take care of my little ones? Not that my husband couldn’t do it, but you know, that’s what mom’s do. They do their kids’ hair.”

Let us know what you think about this amazing story and don’t forget to share it with your loved ones.

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