Man who spent over 70 years living in an iron lung has passed away at the age of 78

Paul Alexander, known for his remarkable life spanning over seven decades within the confines of an iron lung following his battle with polio, has passed away at the age of 78.

His journey from a polio survivor to becoming an inspirational figure was confirmed through a statement on his GoFundMe page, a platform that recently ceased accepting donations in his honor.

Man who spent over 70 years living in an iron lung has passed away at the age of 78

Affectionately dubbed ‘The Man in the Iron Lung,’ Alexander’s life was a beacon of resilience and determination. Despite his physical limitations, he pursued an education, earning degrees and eventually practicing as a family law attorney, in addition to authoring a book. His story resonated globally, serving as a profound source of inspiration.

The fundraising campaign for Alexander played a pivotal role in providing him comfort and security in his final years, as noted by his brother, Philip. The outpouring of support and condolences from the community underscores the impact of Alexander’s life story on many.

Man who spent over 70 years living in an iron lung has passed away at the age of 78

Paul’s health concerns were highlighted just days before his passing, following an urgent hospitalization due to COVID-19 complications. This news mobilized a wave of support and well-wishes from his followers and those touched by his journey.

Alexander‘s academic achievements were notable. He graduated with high honors from W.W. Samuell High School in Texas in 1967, and despite challenges, continued his education at Southern Methodist University.

He later transferred to the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in 1978 and a law degree in 1984. His career in law began with teaching legal terms to court stenographers, culminating in his passing the bar exam in 1986 and specializing in family law.

Paul Alexander’s life story is a reminder of the indomitable human spirit’s capacity to inspire and enact change, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those he reached. Rest in peace!

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