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Crying Too Much Is Prohibited At This Grandma’s Funeral


In the end, it’s not the years in life it’s the life in the years. A celebration of life for those who live long enough to proudly embrace the term old. However, with old age death always comes peeping at the door. With death being a part of the life of the old, making death arrangements is not so uncommon. 92-year-old Lillian Droniak from Newport, Connecticut, USA, has decided to leave rules for her funeral and it is hilarious.

Crying Too Much Is Prohibited At This Grandma's Funeral.

The old grandmother took to TikTok to share the rules for her funeral. “These are my rules at my funeral. Listen up, you could cry but don’t cry too much. Don’t make a fool out of yourself. Bertha is not invited, don’t let her in and you better get drunk afterward. Take a shot for me” says Grandma Droniak. The self-proclaimed CEO of all grandmas also captions “it won’t be anytime soon don’t forget” in the video that since gone viral garnering more than thirty million views.

Crying Too Much Is Prohibited At This Grandma's Funeral.

While the rules were clear, many could not help but wonder why Bertha was cancelled from Grandma Droniak’s funeral. “I do not talk about people behind their backs. I never gossiped my entire life and I don’t wanna start now but I will tell you one thing. I cut Bertha out of my life for a long time. She was not a good person. She was trying to talk to my husband and I didn’t like that either because she’s a troublemaker. She tried to copy off whatever I wore, she had to wear it too. Now she knows I’m a celebrity and she gets jealous. Stay away from her. If she comes to my funeral, kick her out. I don’t need her.” said the CEO of grandmas when asked why Bertha was banned from her funeral.

Crying Too Much Is Prohibited At This Grandma's Funeral.

Whilst most people in their ninth decade are relaxed at their care homes, Grandma Droniak, keeps her followers entertained with her witty character on social media. Her 24-year-old grandson Kevin Droniak, supports her by managing her.

Crying Too Much Is Prohibited At This Grandma's Funeral.

Most often talking about death is a taboo yet death is inevitable and the only sure reality we will all experience. Grandma Droniak talking about the rules of her funeral was not only entertaining due to her sense of humor but also eye-opening to the fact that old people are willing to discuss such topics as it is a norm for them. Long live Grandma Droniak.

Grandma Droniak has a fashion line called Grandma Donriak Merch where she sells t-shirts and hoodies.

@grandma_droniak it wont be any time soon but dont forget it #funeral #grandma #rules #dontcry #funeralservices #wake #greenscreen ♬ original sound – grandma_droniak