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She endured insults and she was even spat on because of her red hair—but look at her now


Jessica Gagen was made fun of by her classmates when she was growing up. They made fun of her red hair and told her she was ugly every day.

However, as an adult, Jessica got her revenge by becoming Miss England and being celebrated as the most beautiful woman in the country. Her story is now inspiring people around the world. If you want to see what she looks like now, keep reading!

Treating people rudely is unacceptable, and everyone deserves to be respected and treated with kindness instead of hate. Unfortunately, there are some individuals who feel entitled to hurt others, which is a serious social issue. Children are particularly vulnerable to this behavior, and they may feel isolated and helpless.

Jessica Gagen, from Lancashire in England, had a unique appearance with her red hair, but instead of being celebrated for her uniqueness, she was mistreated. Everyone is different, and we should all be valued and supported, regardless of our appearance. However, Jessica experienced disrespect and exclusion from her peers at school, which caused her a lot of pain and made her cry at times.

Jessica was subjected to constant insults about her looks, being called ugly on a daily basis. Her classmates even went to the extent of spitting on her and attempting to burn her with a lighter because of her distinct red hair. As a result, she had to endure regular humiliation due to her unique appearance.

“I was name-called on the daily, and although I don’t think the kids were being malicious in doing, so there were definitely times they were. I was hit, spat at and had things thrown at my head quite a few times, but worst was when a girl burned me for having ginger hair,” Jessica told The Mirror.

When Jessica was in seventh grade, she felt like she had to eat her lunch alone in the school toilets because every time she tried to sit with some girls in the cafeteria, they would get up and leave. Although Jessica didn’t feel attractive, she believed that she would succeed in life despite this experience.

Jessica used to feel very sad about the situation, but now she wants to show other kids who might be going through the same thing that it won’t last forever.

Jessica matured into a young woman after a few years. She chose to make a positive impact on others who, like her, had been bullied at school. Instead of allowing the negative experiences to defeat her, she used them as motivation to work harder.

She pursued a career in modeling and devoted effort to enhance her appearance. She began her modeling journey internationally when she was 18 and received abundant compliments for her distinctive style. Today, she is not only thriving but also a source of motivation for youngsters who have been discouraged about realizing their aspirations.

Jessica achieved a significant feat by winning the “Miss England” beauty contest in 2022. Her victory is considered the ultimate revenge, as she had previously finished as a runner-up in the same competition in 2021. This win is especially meaningful for Jessica since she is the first woman with red hair to win the title.

“I looked back and I was thinking there are not that many redheads on TV. I thought if I could win this, I could empower kids who being bullied for the way that they look and the color of their hair,” she says.

Jessica Gagen is using her achievements to share a message that everyone is special and has their own qualities, and there is nothing wrong with them. Despite being a victim of bullying in the past, she is now thriving and happy, while her bullies are likely feeling ashamed of their hurtful behavior.

What an inspiration! Let us know your thoughts about Jessica’s story in the comment section below.