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About Our Blog

We are on a mission to make the internet a better place by sharing stories and quotes that brighten the world and give people hope. We are convinced that the major reason for our existence is to be kind and compassionate towards one another. Our goal is to bring people together and celebrate humanity’s best qualities.

Your story is an important part of what we’re doing! We’re always on the lookout for uplifting real-life stories to make our readers happy. Please submit your story here if you believe it will inspire, uplift, or encourage our readers to be the best version of themselves.


We do our best not to infringe on other people’s copyright, and it is for that reason that we use images in our articles that have zero creative common license unless stated otherwise. Kindly reach out to us if you feel we have posted something that is not within the protection of fair use. We will either remove the content or give you credits.