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90-year-old woman retires from her job at a store where she worked for 74 years without taking a single day off


Many of us anticipate a peaceful retirement after a demanding career journey. However, few can parallel the perseverance shown by Melba Mebane, a 90-year-old Texan woman. Melba has recently retired after an astonishingly long career at a department store, where she dedicated 74 years of her life to serving customers.

Reports highlight that Melba embarked on her work journey at Dillard’s department store in Tyler, Texas, back in 1949. At a tender age of 17, she started her service as an elevator operator. After more than seven decades, she has now chosen to hang up her uniform, proving that her commitment to her job was truly extraordinary.

Credit / YouTube – KLTV 7

Later in her career, Melba was promoted to the cosmetics department. Despite the shift, she remained faithful to her workplace for over seventy years.

When Melba finally decided to retire, the store manager, James Saenz, was full of admiration for her. Speaking to Fox News, Saenz expressed, “Even with the changing times, from where she started to where we are now in the modern world, her values and everything still stand.”

Melba was reportedly always a radiant personality at work, turning up each day with an infectious smile and a strong work ethic. Incredibly, throughout her 74-year-long career, Melba never called in sick or missed a single shift.

James Saenz, the store manager, further commented, “Melba sets the tone for everything, every expectation, every customer service quality that we look for in a luxury experience.”

Melba’s son, Terry Mebane, provided further insight into her dedication, stating, “She’s a grinder. The store would open at 10 and she wanted her parking spot, so she got there between 9 o’clock and 9:15.” It was also revealed that Melba usually opted for shorter lunch breaks, as she was well aware that many customers used their lunch hour for shopping and she didn’t want to miss those opportunities.

Credit / YouTube – KLTV 7

The New York Post reports that Melba maintained a 40-hour work week even in her 70s and 80s. Speaking about her experiences, Melba told KLTV7, “I loved everybody there, and I loved to go to work.” Her passion for her job is evident in her words and actions, truly making her story an inspirational one.

Regrettably, recent health issues compelled Melba to take what many would see as a long-delayed retirement. Dillard’s organized a retirement party for the ninety-year-old, during which Melba was honored with a “Beyond Excellence” award. A plaque, signifying this award, will continue to reside in the store as a testament to her incredible dedication.

Stories like Melba’s are truly inspirational, reminding us of the impact of commitment and perseverance. As we celebrate her inspiring journey, we wish her good health, happiness, and a serene retirement. Feel free to share this article on social media to inspire others and keep them informed.