A Texas farmer cracks open an enormous egg to find something rare inside

Eggs are highly nutritious, a good source of proteins, and have a rich supply of minerals and vitamins.

If you’re not vegan, you probably have enjoyed some eggs for breakfast since they are a good energy source and make the perfect combination with tomatoes, cheese, and bacon.

Usually, an egg has one yolk and on some rare occasions, some eggs may have two yolks — which occurs when a chicken releases two yolks into the same shell. If you have been lucky, you probably may have come across a double-yolk egg.

A man cracks open an enormous egg to find something rare inside
Credits: Ashmorerv

One man from Texas was lucky enough to witness something cooler than a double-yolk egg — a double egg. If you are wondering what a double egg is then read on to find out.

Double-shelled eggs are extremely rare and even though there are videos of people cracking them open, many people are convinced they are not real.

Double eggs are formed in a process known as counter-peristalsis contraction. This usually occurs when an egg travels backward inside a hen to become embedded inside another egg in the process of forming its shell.

In 2015, a Texas farmer shared a video on YouTube that has since been viewed over 12 million times. In the video, the farmer is seen holding an enormous egg which he claims was laid by his 7-months-old chicken.

A man cracks open an enormous egg to find something rare inside
Credits: Ashmorerv

He goes ahead and taps the egg on a glass bowl and makes a small crack in the shell. He then peels off one small part so that the egg yolk is clearly seen.

“Oh, I see another surprise!” he says with a chuckle. “A double egger!”

He slowly pours the yolk out of the shell, until only the inner egg remains and says, “No double yolks, that’s for wimps. We got double eggs!”

A man cracks open an enormous egg to find something rare inside
Credits: Ashmorerv

Inside the big egg was a second egg which was normal in size. The farmer cracked the second egg and it was just a plain egg like the ones we buy at the store.

Have a look at the video below and share it with loved ones if you find it interesting.

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