Brave crossing guard risked being struck by a speeding car in order to save a child

Cpl. Annette Goodyear, a crossing guard from the North East Police Department in Maryland, has been referred to as a hero for her selfless actions.

She was faced with a terrifying situation when a car was approaching quickly and a child was in harm’s way. Instead of freezing up, Goodyear quickly reacted to the situation and saved the child’s life.

Brave crossing guard risked being struck by a speeding car in order to save a child
Photo: YouTube/BYU University

She did not think about her own safety and instead put herself in harm’s way to protect the child. Although she sustained minor injuries in the crash, her quick thinking and bravery prevented any serious harm from coming to the child.

As reported by BYU Universe, Goodyear was taken to the hospital for examination before being released. It is remarkable that she was willing to put herself in harm’s way for someone who is not even her own child.

This story is a powerful illustration of the compassion and selflessness that exists in our world. Even when it does not benefit one directly, there are still people who are always willing to help. The parents of the child must be incredibly grateful and it is likely they have expressed their appreciation to the crossing guard.

Brave crossing guard risked being struck by a speeding car in order to save a child
Photo: YouTube/BYU University

Fortunately, the crossing guard was not seriously injured or killed as a result of their quick decision-making. It’s a decision that is made without hesitation in the moment.

It is admirable to witness a woman who displays such selflessness and concern for others, particularly when working with children on a daily basis. The community can take comfort in knowing that there are individuals willing to risk their own safety to protect their children.

A video of her heroic actions can be viewed below.

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