Home Family “Are you kidding?” Funny arguments from a young boy for why he’ll...

“Are you kidding?” Funny arguments from a young boy for why he’ll never get married


There is a time in a child’s development when they are filled with inquiries about the meaning of life. Some of the questions are truly amazing, while others are really powerful.

We can’t completely rule out their passionate views on specific life issues, which will always leave you gaping. You can laugh, but once you’re seated, you’ll realize how serious the statement was.

Kids can have strong opinions about things like playtime, eating, and sleeping, as we all know, but this young boy has some strong feelings about marriage, at least.

“Are you kidding?” Funny arguments from a young boy for why he'll never get married
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While chewing on a large slice of pepperoni pizza, this young boy chats with his father about marriage, kissing, and fatherhood.

This guy has given marriage a lot of thought, unlike other young people his age who might be baffled by the question. He does not want to get married, to put it bluntly.

“I don’t want to get married at all,” the young child exclaims. Whoa, are you kidding? I might feel anxious!

I see the point now, thanks. Although he also seems troubled by other ideas about the idea,

“Are you kidding?” Funny arguments from a young boy for why he'll never get married
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He goes on to say, “I don’t want to kiss anybody.” “They occasionally spit on me when they kiss me.”

Then his father brings up the subject of having children. He thinks about the future and wonders, “Which children will I have?”

You have to feel sorry for the poor man! These are some difficult questions.

You can also tell us about some of the fascinating inquiries and experiences you’ve had with kids. The difficult questions made you wonder where and how the child came up with such an idea.

Prepare to laugh as you listen to the boy’s persuasive argument in the video down below. Don’t forget to share!