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Dwayne Johnson thanks God and ‘Angels of mercy’ after his mother survived a bad car crash


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson experienced a moment of fear and uncertainty in the middle of the night when he received a phone call. The news was that his mother, Ata Johnson, had been involved in a car accident in Los Angeles. The car she was in was severely damaged, but thankfully, Ata survived the accident.

The Rock was quick to express his gratitude and thank God and the “angels of mercy” for his mother’s safety. This incident reminds us how precious life is and how lucky we are to have someone to protect and care for.

The Rock’s reaction to this news shows just how much he values his mother and how important she is to him. It also highlights the importance of always being thankful and appreciative of the things and people in our lives, even in times of distress and worry.

“Thank you God — she’s ok,” he wrote on social media. “Angels of mercy watched over my mom as she was in a multiple car crash in the middle of the night last night.”

Dwayne shared a scary image on social media of the damage to his mother’s car after an accident. Despite the scary situation, He assured everyone that his mother was going to be okay.

Dwayne believes this is because of God’s angels watching over her. He also expressed his gratitude towards the first responders who helped Ata after the accident. During The Grammys, The Rock gave an update on Ata’s condition and mentioned how frightening it was to receive a call about the accident.


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The Rock also expressed his gratitude for his mother’s well-being and praised her resilience. Despite facing challenges such as lung cancer, a difficult marriage, a car accident with a drunk driver, and a suicide attempt, she has managed to overcome them all. He acknowledged how lucky he is to still have his mother.

“I got one parent left,” he said, “so if you still got your mom and dad make sure you hug ‘em hard, cos you never know when you’ll get that 3 am call we never want to get.”

Certainly, our lives are uncertain and can end suddenly. However, Dwayne’s message reminds us that God’s angels are real and always watching over us.