Home Family Neighbors put a 10-year-old boy back to business after his curbside bakery...

Neighbors put a 10-year-old boy back to business after his curbside bakery get stolen


David Hove entered their house for a few moments after hours selling his cones. A thief stole his stall from where he sells scones in front of a lawn in Toronto. The 10-year-old home baker needed a bathroom break. In a few minutes, he left his curbside to stand unattended, and the merchandise vanished. When David had finished releasing himself, he was met with a shocker of the hour.

The cooler, a wicker folding table, and some supplies had vanished into thin air. The thief only spared David his handwritten “homemade lemon cranberry scones.” He blamed himself and said it was his fault. The act saddened him; it was a setback in his small business in front of a lawn. He held his hope high; he had carried his cashbox with some leftovers when he got in.

David and his 15-year-old sister Kimberly shared the business; they worked in turns. The Hove Delight is one month old. Kimberly was in charge of recipe development. David handled their customers. The two were to fulfill their needs for a mobile phone for Kimberly and an XBOX for David.

Their business had taken shape, and they felt a blow when they found their stand missing—something they never expected. Kimberly was sadder because the thief made off with a table, and it was a special gift from their parents. The security camera that caught the thief showed an aged man collecting the table.

Their father expressed his anger and wondered why an adult would do that to kids. He walked around the neighborhood to find out if anyone could identify the thief in vain.


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The kids’ father was also called David Hove. Hove shared the security camera footage with local media. He hoped the thief would reconsider and return the items and apologize to his children. Their father did find the thief. A steady stream of support from their community poured in as the story reached them.

After a few days, they got messages of encouragement from people. A police officer visited the Hoves’ to encourage the young David that the theft was not his fault. They got a boost from a passionate couple, Ricci and Elizabeth, in the neighborhood. The couple bought them a brand new stand and a cooler. This was a kind gesture, melting the hearts of the children.

In the last few weeks alone, the business has received more than 70 orders. The theft was a blessing in disguise because the business has now expanded. They have said that they are planning to start offering the shipping option. The family has not stopped thanking the neighbors who came out and offered help.

This story is encouraging and shows the importance of good neighborliness. The children also learned a new lesson; there are more good people than bad ones. God comes to help with miracles. When He wants to bless you, God will, no matter the enemies and obstacles around you.

Let us support young children who have shown a positive interest in doing what they love.