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I waited 24 years to kiss my childhood best friend—Now we’re engaged after revealing my secret


Everything will only happen at the right time. We keep our eyes looking up at the sky for our heart’s desires to materialize. It is a test of faith and patience for everyone.

Those who wait patiently end up receiving their heart’s desires.

After keeping her feelings hidden for over two decades, a woman who waited 24 years for her first kiss with her childhood best friend is now engaged to be married to him.

I waited 24 years to kiss my childhood best friend—Now we’re engaged after revealing my secret
Picture: Kate MacNeil/SWNS

When Kate MacNeil and Paul Damon met as teenagers in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1997, they were joined at the hip.

Despite the fact that the 13-year-old girl was madly in love with her best friend, she never summoned the courage to express her feelings.

Every day after school, the two would talk for hours on the phone, even falling asleep together on the phone.

Kate explains that they were practically in a relationship, but they’d never kissed. When they were 18, she took the risk of kissing him, but he turned his head.

She fled, humiliated and broken. They gradually stopped talking, but she confesses that she will never forget him.

I waited 24 years to kiss my childhood best friend—Now we’re engaged after revealing my secret
Picture: Kate MacNeil/SWNS

When Paul joined the Navy and Kate moved to Alabama for college, they lost contact.

Kate, who is now a teacher, and Paul, who is a master woodworker, are married, but they kept tabs on each other’s lives online for years.

After her marriage ended in December 2020, the 38-year-old mother of two summoned the courage to message Paul on Facebook.

“I’ve always loved him,” Kate told the SWNS news service.

I waited 24 years to kiss my childhood best friend—Now we’re engaged after revealing my secret
Picture: Kate MacNeil/SWNS

“I reached a point in my life when I knew I had to reach out and see if he felt the same way.”

He responded two weeks later, and the two talked for hours before agreeing to fly to Kate’s home in Port Charlotte, Florida, in January 2021.

“He messaged me and said, ‘Hey stranger,’ and we just talked for hours,” she said. Paul, now 38, described her reaching out as “indescribable.”

“In all those years we were apart, I can’t remember a time when I didn’t think of Kate,” Paul said. “No one could compete with her.”

I waited 24 years to kiss my childhood best friend—Now we’re engaged after revealing my secret
Picture: Kate MacNeil/SWNS

They went on their first date in Florida after finally admitting their feelings for one another and soon decided Paul would move in with Kate and her children.

“When he came to Florida, we had our first kiss, and it was magical,” Kate said. “I feel like my life has come to an end.”

When she tried to kiss him that day, Paul recalled how they could always talk about anything and how he “felt like an idiot.” “As if nothing had happened.” It’s amazing.”

Kate said, “I picked him up from the airport and kissed him.” It was our first in 24 years.

I waited 24 years to kiss my childhood best friend—Now we’re engaged after revealing my secret
Picture: Kate MacNeil/SWNS

Paul took a plane back to Williamsburg after spending a wonderful week with her. He left for Florida a month later. Paul affirmed that they were still the closest of friends. “We’re an ideal match.”

The couple will get married in July 2023 and are currently engaged. “I wouldn’t change a thing about our journey,” Kate exclaimed, even though it took 24 years. It’s the realization of a lifelong dream.

What must be will always be, no matter how long it takes, thanks to persistence and faith in God.

To demonstrate that true love waits, kindly forward this love story to your friends and family.

Article sources: Good News Network