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Woman spends 5 hours a day in the kitchen—says it’s her duty to simplify her husband’s life

Over the past century, the roles of women in the workplace have dramatically changed, with millions of women now part of the workforce and...

Little girl receives a life-saving kidney transplant from her dad

In New Jersey, a family faced a heartbreaking challenge when their son Nathaniel passed away just 36 hours after birth due to a rare...

Research shows what men truly feel about women who wear makeup

About 5,000 years ago, both men and women in ancient Egypt used essential oils and other materials to care for their skin and enhance...

Hilarious story— A man and woman are having dinner in a restaurant

Laughing at funny stories can really boost our mood. When we laugh, our brain lets out feel-good chemicals called endorphins. These help lower stress,...

Jake Harper from the television show Two and a Half Men has grown up—this is how he looks today

Angus T. Jones is a well-known child actor who played Jake Harper in the popular American sitcom “Two and a Half Men”. He gained fame...