Dealing with a narcissist—5 essential strategies you need to follow in a relationship with one
Do you ever wonder if you’re in love with someone who might be a narcissist? This term is often used nowadays, but what does it truly mean? Let’s explore what it’s like to be in a relationship with a narcissist and how you can cope with it.
What Does Narcissism Look Like?
Narcissists often have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They might act as if the whole world should pay attention to them. They can be quick to criticize, lack patience, and often don’t understand or care about other people’s feelings.

They might blame you for any problems, even when you try to explain your side. Narcissists can also threaten to end the relationship suddenly. One of the hardest things to deal with is their ability to make you doubt your own thoughts and memories. This tactic, known as “gaslighting,” is a way for them to stay in control.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a real condition, and it’s more common in men than women, though we don’t fully understand why.
Not Every Selfish Person is a Narcissist
It’s important to remember that just because someone acts selfishly, it doesn’t automatically mean they’re a narcissist. True narcissism is a consistent pattern of behavior across many relationships.
You might feel very special when you’re with them, but confused and blamed when things go wrong. But this could be due to other issues, not necessarily narcissism.
Other Possible Issues
Sociopathy: A person who doesn’t care about hurting others.
Addiction: Substance abuse can lead to unpredictable behavior and blame-shifting.
Learned Behavior: Some people mimic abusive behaviors they’ve seen or experienced in their past.
Depression: Sometimes, men express depression as anger or agitation.
Remember, abuse is abuse, no matter the cause. Trying to understand or excuse the behavior won’t stop it.
Loving a Narcissist: What Can You Do?
Avoid Useless Arguments: Arguing with a narcissist often goes nowhere. Instead, focus on detaching emotionally and not engaging in endless debates.
Set Personal Boundaries: Recognize and challenge the hurtful things they’ve said to you. It’s important to know your limits and stick to them.
Understand Your Attraction: Acknowledge what drew you to them initially. Recognizing this can help you detach from unhealthy patterns.
Recognize Manipulation: Narcissists often target caring, responsible people. Be aware of how they might use your strengths against you.
Prepare for Blame: Understand that a narcissist will likely blame you for problems. Learn to step back and not accept this blame.
Staying or Leaving
If you choose to stay, practice detachment and avoid long emotional conflicts. The narcissist might not like this approach, but it can lead to a healthier interaction for you.
Leaving can be hard, especially if there are children involved. You might see the children struggle with the narcissist’s inability to provide emotional support. In this case, consistent support for your child is crucial.
Loving a narcissist is challenging. Remember, their unhappiness doesn’t mean you have to be unhappy too. It’s about valuing yourself and standing up for your well-being.