Home Family People are angered after a proud father posted photos of his 14-year-old...

People are angered after a proud father posted photos of his 14-year-old at work


For most of us, getting our first job is a huge accomplishment. It represents the first step toward independence. It is a way to get out of the house and away from your parents for a while.

Making money is exciting, but many other emotions come with that first taste of work. People have different share of their feelings. We can’t forget about the critics who always have something to say.

Here comes a father who could not keep calm from the happiness he derived from his teenage son landing a job. The joy took him to social media, where he posted photos of his son at work. Social media judges were at work; their critiques did not leave the young man’s father to rest.

He wrote in his post that other teenagers were busy enjoying their summer holidays. His son was doing well at his first job at Burger King. He said the lad’s work ethic made him happy. He discussed how his son chooses to arrive at work early and stay late and worked every single day of the week

According to the teenage father, Crawford, the boy enjoyed every bit of his work. The young man’s story also revealed that he was keen on saving money to buy his first car.

People on the internet have had mixed feelings about the post. Some believe it is a good age for a young man to learn the value of money and how to save it. Others feel that the boy should enjoy his growing age and can only work at the right time.

The division spurred a close check on the smallest age for employment. The United States allows teenagers of age 14 to work in the non-agricultural sectors. The law provides the hours the underage people would work. It also restricts their employment in hazardous professions.

The concern of the people was the proud fathers’ claim that their son works seven days a week. Crawford told them that the boy enjoys his work and is proud of him.

The posts only revealed a smiling son at work. It is true to say that our first jobs always spark sweet emotions. Getting a job makes us feel good.

Which age is ideal for employment? Is 14 years old the smallest age? Share your feelings in the comment box. Thank you!