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Put a shield around my family and wrap them with love and protection


As I kneeled down to pray, the words flowed naturally from my lips. “Lord, please put a shield around my family today. Please wrap them with love and protection. Amen.”

It was a simple prayer, but it was one that came from the depths of my heart. My family meant everything to me and I wanted nothing more than to keep them safe.

I couldn’t help but worry about the dangers that lurked in the world. There were so many things that could go wrong and I wanted to do everything in my power to protect my loved ones.

Put a shield around my family and wrap them with love and protection

That was why I turned to prayer. It was a way for me to offer up my concerns and ask for divine guidance and protection.

As I finished my prayer, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. I knew that my family was in God’s hands and that He would watch over them and keep them safe.

The rest of the day passed by smoothly and I was grateful for the sense of calm that my prayer had brought me. It was a reminder that no matter what challenges came my way, I had the strength and support of my faith to see me through.

As I lay down to sleep that night, I whispered another prayer of thanks for the blessings that had been bestowed upon my family. I knew that with God’s love and protection, we could face whatever the future held with confidence and hope.