

Family surrenders dog to shelter for euthanasia – but staff discovers he’s not alone

In a story that highlights both heartbreak…


Are Himalayan salt lamps safe for your pets? Potential dangers revealed

Maddie Smith, a resident of New Zealand,…


A rescued owl makes an astonishing recovery after being shot with a BB gun and trapped in a manure pit

Raven Ridge Animal Centre in Pennsylvania shared…


Young girl touchingly sings ‘You Are My Sunshine’ to her cat in its final moments

Pets, though not human, become integral members…


Owner buys three plane seats for his great dane, delighting passengers with the gentle giant’s presence on the flight

Traveling with pets can be quite an…


Woman finds bizarre creature that looks like a snake—the truth behind it is unbelievable

In a small town in Argentina called…


Young girl sings ‘You are my sunshine’ to her dying cat—filled with emotion

In the world of pet owners, the…


Woman orders a custom aquarium for her cats, who enjoy watching the fish

Animals, like humans, have emotions that must…


Adorable Hero Pup Awarded For His Military Services

Dogs are the most popular pets in…

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