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Teen makes teacher’s life living hell, so Dad decides to show up to school to teach the kid a lesson


Many teenagers today find themselves feeling awkward and uncomfortable when spending time with their parents, and it’s no surprise why.

From differences in interests and beliefs to the ever-present generation gap, there are plenty of reasons why teenagers don’t enjoy hanging out with their parents.

So when a father from Texas learned that his 17-year-old son was acting up in class, he began thinking about the worst possible punishment he could give his son. He was going to take away his phone or ground him, but then he had a brilliant idea that has won praise from parents everywhere.

Teen makes the teacher's life living hell, so the Dad decides to show up to school to teach the kid a lesson
Facebook | Denise Howard

The teacher had informed the family on multiple occasions that their teenage son Brad talked too much in class. Bradley’s father decided to issue an ultimatum to his talkative son. “For some reason I said, ‘Hey, if we get another call I’m going to show up in school and sit beside you in class,’” Dad Brad said, according to Buzzfeed..

However, his son didn’t take him seriously and continued to cause trouble in physics class, annoying the instructor and other students. However, when Dad Brad got another call about his son’s misbehavior, he knew he had to follow through on his threat.

“Friday is my only day off, so my wife wakes me up and says, ‘Brad, it’s time for you to go to school.’ I thought, Oh no, what have I done?” the dad said.

Teen makes the teacher's life living hell, so the Dad decides to show up to school to teach the kid a lesson
Facebook | Brad Howard

The following day, Brad came to class as usual, but he was shocked to see his father waiting for him at his desk in physics. “I didn’t even notice him until after I had said hi to all of my friends, but I was super shocked,” the teen said according to Buzzfeed.

The teenager’s classmates had a good time laughing at Brad’s expense as he struggled through class with his dad sitting next to him. Brad’s sister, Mollie, also found it hilarious that their dad had shown up in class and posted about it online.

“My dad told my brother if he got another call from the physics teacher complaining he would go sit in his class..dad got another call,” writes Molli on her Twitter post.

Denise Howard, Brad’s mother, also had something to share on social media about her husband. She said “The Howard men are famous,” said Bradley’s mom. “We’ve had a great time with this but more than anything we hope we don’t get any more calls about Bradley interrupting in physics class!”

Teen makes the teacher's life living hell, so the Dad decides to show up to school to teach the kid a lesson
Facebook | Denise Howard

Brad senior hopes that his son won’t interrupt the Physics class ever again. “I pray it was a one-time thing,” he said. “I don’t think I’d ever do it again.”

The teacher was so grateful for Dad Brad showing up in class and teaching his son a lesson he will probably never forget.

It’s encouraging to see parents follow through on threats. Teaching your teenage kids the value of consistency and to have respect for authority figures is crucial.

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