After 18 miscarriages in 16 years, a woman gives birth at the age of 48

Being able to conceive and carry a child is amazing, and giving birth to a healthy child who survives is truly miraculous. All of these things are in the maker’s hands.

The desire to start a family is one of the main factors that binds every couple who enters into a marriage union, and Louise Waneford was no exception.

They began trying to conceive a child in 2001 after she met and married her husband in 1995. Louise persevered, but she miscarried in each of her 18 pregnancies, and she finally gave birth at age 48.

After 18 miscarriages in 16 years, a woman gives birth at the age of 48

She underwent several expensive IVF cycles from the doctors, totaling £80,000. The doctors have finally determined what was causing her numerous miscarriages. She was found to have “killer cells,” which meant that her body was destroying her embryos.

By 2010, the couple was on the verge of giving up when they decided to use what little faith they still had to give it one final try. They succeeded, and Louise gave birth to a healthy baby boy, William, at 37 weeks.

They say that occasionally when they talk to neighbors outside, some of them think they are William’s grandparents. Their happiness is found in the young boy, and having a child makes them feel completely fulfilled.

After 18 miscarriages in 16 years, a woman gives birth at the age of 48

The Swindon claim that the effort and money put into the process were worthwhile. They see in William a living example of how God can use the little faith you have to bless you.

Louise claims that even though it takes her longer to chase him around the floor now that she is older than she once was, it is worth it.

Another amazing finding was that Mark had undergone a vasectomy during their previous relationship, so the couple had to look into other options in order to fulfill Louise’s desire to become a parent.

They sought advice from a fertility specialist about the quickest method of conception, and they were given the recommendation of sperm insemination. When they discovered a donor who possessed Mark’s and her qualities, they decided to move forward with the procedure.

After 18 miscarriages in 16 years, a woman gives birth at the age of 48

After insemination, she became pregnant twice, but each time the baby passed away around the time of the 14-week scan because the heartbeat was not visible.

Even when she got her hopes up and thought “this was it” and she was going to have the perfect family she’d always wanted, she couldn’t stop crying every time she miscarried.

The couple said, “We decided to try IVF, but despite getting pregnant several times, we always lost the baby.”

Louise is now sharing her experience to support those who are experiencing a similar situation and to start a discussion about miscarriages.

“Today, William became an uncle at the tender age of just 10 months, and we have a granddaughter. “I feel complete right now,” the overjoyed Louise says.

“We spent a total of £80,000 on fertility therapy, but we were willing to put our lives on hold in order to have our ideal child,” says Louise.

They want people to know that having a dream child is possible despite my numerous miscarriages and rounds of IVF.

Please share with friends and family to tell them that with God, everything is possible.

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