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Good words for you anytime: Behold you are a perfect creation


“Therefore, if you are in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has passed away, and the new has come! 2 Cor. 5:17 “

The Message

When we accept Jesus into our lives, we receive an equally incredible transformation. Jesus goes on to be the protector and savior of our lives.

The old that has gone refers to our old past, the things that we did that were not pleasing in the eyes of the Lord. The new has come is the cleansing we receive by the washing of the blood of Jesus Christ.

We have become new people! Our past should no longer prevent us from serving the Lord.

However, the enemy constantly reminds us of our previous lives. It’s no surprise he’s known as “The Accuser of the Brethren,” because he tries to falsely accuse us by bringing back our dirt.

But Jesus has already cleansed us! We no longer have to listen to the accusations. Because we have been reborn! The death of Jesus on the cross is more powerful than the enemy’s lies.

What freedom do we have when we embrace God’s truth and the sanctification of Jesus? Instead of looking back, focus on Jesus, and give your hope and glory to him. Amen.

Kindly share these words of encouragement as you keep the good faith. Thank you for reading with me.