This Jewish couple has been married for 91 years, have 64 grandchildren and they are still deeply in love

Everyone falls in love at least once in their lifetime. In this information-rich age, many people have chosen to post details of their relationships online for others to read. Love makes us happy. We want to experience love or hear about it. The more we see it, the more we want to own it.

Here is a love story of a couple married for 91 years. The couple is still in love, and God has blessed them with 64 grandchildren.

This is a story of fulfillment as it feels good to be alive for 90-plus good years. Being in love for so long is beautiful. This couple, Zechariah and Shama’a, have been married for 91 years.

This Jewish couple has been married for 91 years, have 64 grandchildren and they are still deeply in love
Photo Courtesy of BBC News

They have kept their matrimonial love close to their hearts. Their devotion to one another is as strong as ever. Time has not changed them. Isn’t that amazing? What adds flavor to their story is that they were Jewish orphans. Zechariah and Shama’a were born in Yemen. It is also interesting that orphans married young in the early 20th century to prevent them from marrying outside of their religion and culture.

Zechariah and Shama’a married when they were 12 and 10. After tying their knots around this time, the two had a difficult life, enduring tremendous poverty and persecution.

This Jewish couple has been married for 91 years, have 64 grandchildren and they are still deeply in love
Photo Courtesy of BBC News

Shama recalls their struggles, narrating how they had the least idea of a luxurious life. You can reach a point in life where you conclude that there is no suffering than the one you have gone through. Shama says how they stayed in and cleaned out the barn for the donkeys. They relocated to Israel in 1948, where they raised a family. Eleven kids were born to them. Zecharia can’t even remember how many kids they had.

Keeping a marriage this long means only one thing; sharing one common goal in matrimony. Understanding one another adds flavor and keeps the marriage moving.

Their story aired on TV, and it charged so many people who wanted to emulate their kind of marriage life. 91 years?! amazing.

This Jewish couple has been married for 91 years, have 64 grandchildren and they are still deeply in love
Photo Courtesy of BBC News

There is another fascinating story of the world’s oldest married couple, Julio Cesar Mora Tapia and Waldramina Maclovia Quinteros Reyes. This couple was together for 215 years. Guinness World Records acknowledged this marriage.

According to the Guinness World Records statement, the couple attributes their marriage to love and maturity. The couple says that they incorporated maturity combined with love at the very early stages of their marriage. It enabled them to get to know each other and grow emotionally. Their future was defined by what they believed.

Their happy marriage grew on the pillars of “love + maturity + mutual respect,” they said.

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