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Little girl wheeled down the aisle by dad to marry her school sweetheart just days before she sadly died


Every parent would do anything for their child. When someone becomes a parent, their whole world changes as they focus on loving and caring for their child.

However, it’s heartbreaking that some things, like accidents or illnesses, are beyond a parent’s control. Each year, many children face challenges that they didn’t choose or expect.

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Alina and Aaron Edwards were devastated when their nine-year-old daughter, Emma, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. They hoped she would overcome it, but months later, doctors said they couldn’t save her. Heartbroken, Emma’s parents resolved to make her remaining time as special as possible by fulfilling her wishes.

Many children in tough situations dream of meeting celebrities or visiting Disneyland. But Emma had a unique wish. She wanted to “marry” her ten-year-old boyfriend, DJ.

Emma’s unique wish gained traction in her community, leading to the formation of “Emma’s Army”, a group dedicated to fulfilling her dream. The Make-A-Wish Foundation later joined the effort to support the family financially. Emma’s mom, Alina, shared, “While many kids dream of Disneyland, Emma wanted to experience being a wife and dreamt of having three kids.”

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Emma and DJ had previously tried to have a mock “wedding” at school when they were eight, even choosing classmates as bridesmaids and groomsmen. But their teacher didn’t allow it, regardless of its playful nature. However, on their second attempt, with their parents’ blessings and support from countless compassionate people, Emma’s dream became a reality. Alina said, “We organized it in less than two days, with everything being donated. It was truly heartwarming and came together beautifully.”

During the memorable event, a video captured moments and interviews, including one with the young groom, DJ. He said, “I thought she was the most beautiful person I ever saw. Ever since I loved her.” Alina expressed her gratitude towards DJ in a heartfelt Facebook post, mentioning, “DJ has been Emma’s “Boo bear” since 3rd grade, and let me tell you, seeing these babies together will melt your heart. DJ protects her and helps her, and makes her heart soar. She loves him. And I know he loves her too! He has stood beside her through all her ups and downs and kept her smiling the whole time. DJ will forever be family.”

On June 29, Emma’s dream came true. Arriving in a wheelchair, wearing a lovely purple dress, she was all smiles as her dad walked her down the aisle. Emma and DJ exchanged rings and vows, and the young groom sealed the ceremony with a gentle kiss. Although tired, Emma’s joy from her special day was unmistakable to everyone present. Sadly, a few weeks afterward, on July 11, 2023, brave Emma lost her fight and passed away.

Emma’s obituary read: “Emma Brooks Edwards entered heaven and into the loving arms of her Great-grandma Frannie Annie on July 11, 2023, surrounded by those that love her most. Emma was 10 years old and battled “The imposter”, Leukemia, for 16 mos. Emma, our little unicorn, was born April 22, 2013, to adoring parents and three older siblings, completing the Edwards family. She loved arts and crafts, practical jokes, her family and friends, Jesus, and her newlywed “husband,” DJ. Emma was a light to all who loved her and an inspiration to all she met. She was absolutely the best daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, aunt, “wife,” lol, and friend. Her legacy is one of strength, humor, and limitless love for all people.”

Rest in peace, Emma. A radiant soul gone too soon.

Our hearts and thoughts go out to everyone affected by cancer, either directly or through loved ones. We stand united in hope and healing. 🙏❤️