Home Good Stories The longest-married couple in the United States celebrates 86 years of marriage

The longest-married couple in the United States celebrates 86 years of marriage


Stories about marriage differ from couple to couple. Good marriage stories tend to pull everyone into getting into one. The Bible also reminds us that he who finds a wife finds a good thing. People in perfect marriages, however, will always tell you that these good marriages have challenges, but they handle them maturely and with love.

Today I bring back a story of a couple, Ralph and Dorothy, who got married in 1935. When they were married, their ages were 18 and 17, respectively, and they have been married for 86 years.

The pair celebrated their 86th anniversary in the year 2021. These two US citizens tied their knots in Tekamah, Nebraska.

According to the story, the court official denied them a marriage license because they thought the couple was too young to marry. But that court official only delayed Ralph and Dorothy for a short time before they went elsewhere, exchanged vows, and have been together ever since.

They shared lessons they have learned over the years, which formed part of what works and does not work. They said smoking and drinking don’t work; allowing a partner to follow their passion works.

Ralph says he loved trap shooting while Dorothy loved ballroom dancing, and they joined one another when one was not doing what they loved.

As we speak, they are still the longest married. Ralph and Dorothy beat a record set by Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher, who were married for 86 years and 290 days when Herbert died in 2011.

Marriage is sweet. God protects marriage for it to stay for this long. Congratulations, Ralph and Dorothy. I hope this story encourages you to keep your marriage life intact for a long time. May God bless your marriages. Thank you for reading.